Monday, April 18, 2011

you're told that... BUT...

Assalamulaikum n hi...
skarg kite rest kejap dari study n I want to share sumthing...
tajuk mcm pe je kan tapi sbnrnye nk share the truth thing that u all must know n maybe u know it already!!!

you're told to toss them after 6 month
they can really last for up to 2 years
You can quadruple the life of the shoes by keeping them at room temperature when they're off your feet. Leaving them in the garage or in a car overnight in the winter, or packing them in your checked luggage
huh..terasa di situ....
you're told to toss them after 3 month
they can really last for up to 5 month
There are two reasons you have to toss this makeup: it dries out or it gets contaminated. You can ward off both of these problems by not pumping the wand up and down, which forces bacteria and also air into the tube. Instead, swirl the brush as you pull it out. And if it starts to seem cakey, experts recommend dipping the tube in boiling water for about 15 seconds. It will make the makeup gooey again and may even kill some of the bacteria. 
urm,xpakai mane pun maskara...
you're told to toss them after 2 years
they can really last for up to 5 years
No need to ditch fragrances so soon as long as you keep them out of the sun. The direct light makes perfume lose its scent or even start to smell funky, but keeping the bottles in the original box or in the medicine cabinet can get you three extra years out of the spray. 

kesimpulan : jgn buang barang terlalu awal yek...walaupun dapat brg baru but the old have its own esthetic value. For me esp shoe n perfume :-)))

taken from : this

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